Światowe Forum Miejskie WUF11

Zmieniamy nasze miasta dla lepszej przyszłości

Pod takim hasłem odbędzie się w Polsce Światowe Forum Miejskie (WUF) - największe i najważniejsze wydarzenie na świecie poświęcone rozwojowi miast.

Od 26 do 30 czerwca 2022 r. Katowice staną się przestrzenią do dialogu dla wszystkich, którym na sercu leży los ich małych ojczyzn.

Dołącz do nas i zmieniaj nasze miasta dla lepszej przyszłości!

WUF11 — World Urban Forum 11, 26-30 June 2022, Katowice, Poland (unhabitat.org)


Why Katowice?


Revitalization of the former coal mining area enabled the establishment of the Culture Zone – a unique space on the national scale. The new headquarters of the Silesian Museum, NOSPR (Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra) and the International Congress Centre in the vicinity of the legendary "Saucer" bring prestige to the city, attracting both locals and tourists to its center.


Katowice is not only a city inhabited by approximately 300 thousand people but also the heart of Upper-Silesia and Zagłębie Metropolis, integrating 41 cities and municipalities, populated by more than 2 million people. The urban body created in July 2017 is an expression of joint commitment and concern for the welfare of the region, which offers a real opportunity for accelerated, dynamic development.


The region which is traditionally associated with coal mining and heavy industry gradually strives to become a leader in innovation and new technologies. These ambitions are reflected in the development of modern business sectors and sustainable investments.


Katowice, as the host of many international events, is perfectly prepared to host large conferences. The state-of-the-art congress centre, well-developed hotel facilities and transport network are the characteristics that make the capital of the conurbation the city of business tourism.


The city with extensive experience in levelling the effects of long-term environmental degradation. Thanks to the efforts made, the quality of air, the condition of the environment as well as the standard of inhabitants’ life are clearly improving.


Three international airports (KTW and KRK, OSR), two motorways, national and regional roads, modern rail and public transportation make up an extensive transport network that provides the possibility to easily reach the city from almost every part of the country and the world.
